My Grand daughter leaves tomorrow morning so we spent the day at St. Pete's Beach. We had a great day and the girls spent a lot of time picking up shells. But all they picked up were broken ones. I couldn't believe it. Robin and Jessica are 16 not 5. But they thought the pieces were pretty and they were happy. That is all that counts. They kept bringing me these pieces of shell and were so excited about them. It was like they had never been to the beach before. They are something else. Well June is over. Can you believe it?? I have to take advantage of July or it will be over and I will be back at work. That's a sad thought. Oh to be retired or at least independently wealthy. Wouldn't that be grand. So I need to get serious now. Have so much I want to do. Sewing a few skirts. Flower punches to play with. Techniques to try. Weeding ( I might forget this project. ) Cards I want to send into a few magazines. Wonder how much I will really get done.